Writing Updates and Whatnot

posted in: Books, events | 1

Hey guys,

Just an update on my current writing projects and what you can (hopefully) look forward to in the near future if I can get these damn things finished.

I’m working on two separate books and a re-write of my first book, “Things Go Wrong for Me.” Actually, I should call it a ‘re-imagining’ because that’s what all the movie studios are doing these days and I’m nothing if not super hip, word to your mutha, etc.

The first book I started is a comic/cartoon-only book, tentatively titled, “Thanks for the Visual – A Collection of Crappy Cartoons” although it’s a working title and other suggestions are certainly welcome. Formatting picture books is a real pain in the ass so this one may take a while.

My other book, and the one I’m most excited for, is called “Just Kick the Damn Ball – Confessions of a Reluctant Coach.” I’m currently only 17 pages and 4,400 words into it, but it’s coming along nicely. This is because most of the stories are filled with anger and rage so that stuff just flows naturally from me.

I’m hoping to have that one done by the end of November ,but we’ll see how much work I can get done in my real job without being fired first. I tend to write these in my spare time which usually happens never because I have 4 kids and other crap to do (LIKE EFFING COACHING OMG).

Regardless, there are new works on the way. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime I can tell you that my really good friend and comedian/actress, Suzy Soro, just published her latest book, “Mommy Tried to Kill Me.”

Mommy Tried to Kill me
Suzy Soro’s latest book, “Mommy Tried to Kill Me”

Suzy is freaking hysterical and ALWAYS gives me great advice on stuff. I highly suggest you go check out her new book and go grab her other ones while you’re at it.

There you go. Will talk soon, I promise.

Thanks for keeping the faith!


  1. Suzy Soro

    Okay FINE, I’ll join your mailing list.

    Thanks for the shout out on my book.